The Parkside Aged Care Team is a growing team and we welcome new clients.
We provide:
- Introductory information on Parkside, the team and philosophy of care
- A copy of our fee schedule,
- A sample budget if, on enquiry, you are able to estimate the services you require.
In order to welcome you as a Parkside client, one of our care partners (Care Coordinator) will arrange to meet with you at your home. You may like to have your carer, family or other representative present at this meeting.
At this meeting we will discuss your health and wellbeing goals, and the services you have been approved for. We make every effort to match you with Support Staff with whom you can build a trusting relationship, and we also do our best to provide services at a time most suitable to you. Required documentation also includes a service agreement and your informed consent to the way we manage your personal information and health-related details.
We will provide you with copies of the documentation and a client handbook in a Parkside Home Folder.
Click here to view our "We would like to welcome you to Parkside 2025" booklet